Corporate governance
The General Assembly of the Company's shareholders is its supreme body and is entitled to decide on any matter concerning the Company in accordance with the legislation on joint-stock companies and the provisions governing the company, unless otherwise provided by law or the Articles of Association her. The decisions of the General Assembly also bind the absent or dissenting shareholders.
The Development Agency is managed by the Board of Directors. The administration of the Organization includes its management and judicial and extrajudicial representation. The members of the board of directors are elected or appointed, in accordance with articles 78 to 80 of Law 4548/2018 with the conditions and limitations set by Law 4674/2020. The highest decision-making body of the Company is the General Meeting of its shareholders, whose responsibilities are defined in the Articles of Association.
Board of directors
The Board of Directors, made up of the President, the Vice-President, the Managing Director and the other members, is the highest administrative body of the Company which operates in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association, Law 4548/2018 on Limited Companies, as applicable.
It formulates the Company's strategy and development policy and exercises its responsibilities, as provided for by the relevant applicable legislation.
The formation of the first Board of Directors as a Body took place on 05/02/2023 with the entry in the General Commercial Register (G.C.R), with Registration Code 3560442, of the Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Company from 05/02/2023 Company with the name KAPODISTRIAKI DEVELOPMENT S.A. – ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT.
The new management of the company is formed by the entry in the General Commercial Register (G.C.R.) from 25/1/2024, with Registration Code 3201281, of the Minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders from 2/1/2024 and from 2/1/2024 of the Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Limited Company with the name KAPODISTRIAKI DEVELOPMENT S.A. – ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT as follows:
Full name
Koskinas Christos, President
Faita Michaela-Maria, Vice President
Revis Alexandros, CEO
Dimas Georgios, Member
Chalikiopoulos Spyridon, Member
Voulgaris Spyridon-Charalampos, Member
Athanasiou Evaggelos, Member
Responsibilities of Executives
Responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board of Directors
Α) Convenes the Board of Directors, draws up the agenda, presides over its meetings,
Β) He directs the work of the Board of Directors, issues and validates copies of the Board's decisions and informs the Board of Directors about the operation of the Company, while performing any other authority assigned to him by the Board of Directors. the company's.
Responsibilities of the Vice President of the Board of Directors
He replaces the president in his absence. Performs any of the powers of the President that the president himself wanted to be transferred to him, as well as any other power assigned to him by the Board of Directors. the company's.
Responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer
The Board of Directors can appoint from among the executive members of the Chief Executive Officer, determining his responsibilities. The CEO cannot be an elected representative of the Municipal or Regional Councils of the shareholders.
Α) It authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to represent the Company and to act in its name, placing his signature under the company name, for the acts referred to in the following cases:
1) To represent the Company at home and abroad, in Greek or foreign, or International Public, Municipal, Community and in general local government Authorities or Services or Organizations or Businesses or Chambers or Legal entities of Public or Private Law or natural persons, in the Public Power Corporation, to the Telecommunications Organization of Greece, Greek Post, Greek Tourism Organisation, to international organizations in Greece, to courts of every level and jurisdiction, to the Supreme Court, to the Council of State, to the Court of Auditors and in general to any other authority or service.
2) To bring lawsuits, to exercise legal remedies, to challenge documents as forgeries, to abolish trials, to make judicial and extrajudicial settlements with the debtors or with the creditors of the company and on any terms.
3) To issue payment orders, recognize obligations and assign and pledge, under any conditions, claims, bills of lading, movables, bills of exchange, promissory notes, debits against third parties, receipts and general claims against third parties.
4) To appoint an attorney or attorneys to represent the company in courts and other authorities. However, the hiring of a Legal Advisor is decided by the Board of Directors.
5) To enter into any kind of contracts with any legal entity of public or private law, organizations, etc., or natural persons, domestic or foreign or international, following a decision of the Board of Directors.
6) To hire and fire the staff of the company's offices and any of its businesses, to arrange their responsibilities, their salaries, to draw up the relevant contracts and to sign them, following a decision of the Board of Directors.
7) To implement and execute the decisions of the Board of Directors.
Β) Authorizes the Managing Director together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors to carry out the transactions of the Limited Company, especially with the Banks:
1) To enter into contracts for loans and credits of all kinds and denominations and for current accounts, as well as for the provision of letters of guarantee, providing security in rem (mortgage, promissory note or both) on properties and facilities of the Limited Company or pledge on movables, securities, etc. .l.p., assigning leases and general rights and claims of the Limited Liability Company for their security, only following a decision of the Board of Directors. Also, when it comes to purchases of fixed assets (real estate, etc.) as well as real estate leases, they will proceed with the relevant orders, or sign agreements or notarial deeds only after a decision of the Board of Directors.
2) To make, jointly with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, withdrawal of money, securities, dividend certificates and interest coupons, to receive money and give payments and discharges, to issue and endorse cheques, to issue, accept and endorse bills of exchange and promissory notes.
The Chief Executive Officer, in the event of his absence or impediment, may delegate the exercise of his above duties to any member of the Board of Directors or non-member of his choice. In the event of the CEO's failure to appoint his deputy and the extent of his jurisdiction, the Board of Directors shall appoint him.
Responsibilities of Directors
The Company is organized into administrative units. The responsibilities of the Directors and the cases of assigning the right to sign to them are determined by decisions of the Board of Directors.